Horticulture And Its Branches


Horticulture And Its Branches  


                   Horticulture is derived from two Latin word Hortus means garden and cultura  means cultivation. So horticulture is the study and cultivation of garden crops.
                 Horticulture can be defined as the branch of agricultural science, concerned with intensively cultured plants directly used by people for food, medicine or for gratification purpose. But now the activity and scope horticulture has been extended than only the cultivation aspects of garden crops to the processing and value addition of the produce. Hence horticulture is the crop science which deals with the production, utilization and improvement of fruit, vegetables, ornamental , spices, condiments, medicinal and plantation crops.


The different branches of horticulture are described bellow.
  • Pomology

           The word pomology is derived from Latin word pomum means fruit and Greek word logus or logy means to study. Hence pomology deals with the study of fruits like mango, banana, apple, strawberry, papaya etc. A fruit may be defined as the product of a plant which is edible only after ripening. The Roman term fruticulture can also be used for the cultivation of fruit crops. The scientist involved in pomology is called as pomologist.
  • Olericulture

           The cultivation of vegetables viz. potato, tomato, pumpkin, okra, carrot, cauliflower etc is called olericulture. Olericulture comes from Latin word oleris (pot herb) and English word culture (growing of or raising of). Vegetables are usually herbaceous plant grown for an edible part which is generally eaten as the part of the meal either as salad or in cooked form. The scientist involved is known as olericulturist.
  • Floriculture

          The floriculture or flower farming or ornamental horticulture is the discipline of horticulture concerned with cultivation of flowering (Rose, Marigold etc) or ornamental plants (Traveler’s palm, Ferns etc) for garden beautification.
  • Medicinal and Aromatic plants

         The plant yielding alkaloids and steroids principle which have got preventive and curative properties are known as medicinal plants. Eg. Aswagandha, Sarpagandha etc.
Aromatic plants are those which yield aromatic essential oils on steam distillation or solvent extraction. Eg. Geranium, Jasmine etc.
  • Spices and Condiments

          Spices (Pepper, Cardamom etc) are those plants, the product of which are made used of as food adjuncts to add aroma and flavor to food but condiments (Coriander, Cumin etc) are used to add taste only to the food.Both spices and condiments contain essential oils which provide taste or flavor or aroma to food. They are of little nutritive value.
  • Plantation crops

         The crops like Areca nut, Coconut, Tea, Rubber, Coffee etc, which are grown in estate or large acreage or area are called plantation crops. The product of these crops can be used only after processing.
  • Other minor branches of Horticulture are

  1. Nursery raising  
  2. Seed production 
  3. Processing and value addition 
  4. Post-harvest management 
  5. Marketing etc.

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