Orchard is a place where large-scale intentional cultivation of fruits or nuts is done. The establishment of an orchard is a long-term investment and requires very critical planning. The selection of proper location, planting system, planting distance and variety has to be considered carefully to ensure maximum production. Before going for transplanting one should follow the following things carefully to achieve maximum benefits:
                       A. Location and site selection for the orchard.
                       B. Planning of orchard and
                       C.  Laying out of the orchard
A. Location and site selection for the orchard
           Proper selection of sites is the basic need for growing crops. As the phenotypic characteristics of plants are affected by the combining effect of the genotype and the environment the grower must select the crop to grow according to the particular climatic conditions. The selection of the site must be based on the following parameters:

1. The location of orchards should be in well-established fruit growing regions as one could get the benefits from the experienced growers, easy market facility, etc.

2. Proper transportation facilities must be there as horticultural produce is perishable (decay or is destroyed quickly) in nature.

3. The market area should be close to the orchard.

4. Suitable climate: The climate of the region where one wants to develop its orchard, should be specific to the crop grown. There should be well-distributed rainfall and availability of optimum sunlight with a less diurnal variation. The climate should not be more humid, which may allow the growth of diseases and pests. For example, in grapes, high humidity favours the growth of powdery mildew fungus.

5. Adequate supply of water throughout the year.

6. Suitability of soil, its fertility, soil depth, and nature of subsoil must be observed. Soil with a pH at neutral range, along with loose subsoil is the best for the root environment. There should not be fluctuating water table, which may hinder the physiological activity of the root.

7. Site must have proper drainage during the rainy season.

8. Irrigation water must ob of good quality (It must be devoid of any pests and pathogens).

9. Proper and efficient analysis of seasonal gluts (demand for the product is more than supply) and over-production in the particular season of the year in the locality.

10. The local demand for some specific crops must be looked at and taken into consideration.

11. Land should be cheap and plentily available nearer to the site for future expansion of the orchard.

12. The grower must be aware of whether the orchard is a new venture or one already established.

13. Sufficient availability of manure at a cheap rate in the locality.

14. Site must be free from all kinds of natural disasters like floods, drought, heavy winds, frost, etc.

15. Availability of skilled labour plentily and at a cheap rate in the locality of the orchard.

(Guava Orchard)

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  1. Excellent service motto, but ensure high degree professionalism

  2. Hey mam..! Can you guide me pla...? I want to do my master degree with Horticulture.

  3. It is very nice to here that you are interested to continue your carrier in Horticulture. Before suggesting anything i would like to ask you in which university you are now, what is your current semester?

    Thank you

  4. मेम मै के बाद क्या करू अभी मै 1st मे हूॅ और मै sknau jobne University से कर रहा हूॅ

    1. Hello SharmaAgriculture,
      Its good to hear from you.
      As you are now in the 1st year, before selecting any carrier try to find your interest. If you are interested in higher studies (M.Sc and Ph.D.) or academics, you should select your subject of interest and proceed with it. If you want to grab a job after B.Sc. then you have numerous options like Banking (IBPS-SO), CIVIL SERVICES, State Agriculture Officers, Agriculture university jobs (requiring B.Sc. degrees).
      I hope we can clarify your doubts.

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