Importance of mulching in Agriculture


Importance of mulching in Agriculture

Mulch is a substance which mainly used for covering the soil in crop field, garden or orchard. It is a protective covering, usually of organic matter such as leaves, straw, or peat, placed around plants to prevent the evaporation of moisture, and the growth of weeds. Now durable plastic mulch is also being used.

Mulching reduces the deterioration of soil by way of preventing the runoff and soil loss, minimizes the weed infestation and checks the water evaporation. Thus, it facilitates for more retention of soil moisture and helps in control of temperature fluctuations, improves physical, chemical and biological properties of soil, as it adds nutrients to the soil and ultimately enhances the growth and yield of crops. It maintains a good micro-flora and a fine balance of micro-organisms in the soil. 

Some of the commonly used mulches are Grass Clipping, Straw (Paddy or Wheat), Newspaper, Dry leaves, Bark clippings, Saw dust, Compost, Black polythene mulch, Silver polythene mulch etc.

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