Probable Short Notes on Fundamentals of Horticulture


Probable Short Notes

Fundamentals of Horticulture
(Syllabus of 5th Deen’s Committee)
1st Year, 1st Semester B.Sc. Agriculture

Short Notes

i. Wind break and its characters.
ii. Difference between agricultural crops and horticultural crops.
iii. Scope of horticulture in India.
iv. Importance of horticulture

v. What is horticulture and describe its branches
vi. Fencing and characters of a fenced plant.
vii. Truck garden
viii. Juvenality
ix. Shade tree
x. Pit preparation for orchard crop
xi. High Density Planting (HDP)
xii. Medow Orcharding
xiii. Inter cropping
xiv. Multi tire cropping system of coconut
xv. Auxins
xvi. Gibberellins
xvii. Difference between Growth promoter and growth inhibitors.
xviii. Ethylene
xix. Pruning and steps to adopt before pruning
xx. Types of vegetative propagation.
xxi. Stock and scion
xxii. Pre-curing of scion before grafting

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